| Easy on the Eyes Polka For Wrap Dress : Impromptu Boutique & Photography by Tyler Zoller |
It's time to finally share with y'all all of the products I have in my makeup bag and how I use them! I have recently become super confident in the way my makeup looks due to finally finding products that apply easily, stay on all day, and look flawless on just about every single person! So with that being said, I present to you how I apply my makeup (in order)!
STEP ONE : Prime Your Face
I use LimeLight's First Base Makeup Primer Spray! I just spray my face 3-5 times from about a foot away! This spray holds your makeup in place all day AND eliminates how large your pores look once you apply foundation!
STEP TWO: Foundation
I currently use NARS Weightless Liquid Foundation and I apply it with a super cheap $3 ELF brush from Target, but I am currently waiting for my LimeLight's most famous product, their Botanical Foundation, to arrive at my doorstep! It is much cheaper than NARS, it stays on longer, AND (as if you need another reason to trust me), Beyonce's makeup artist refuses to use any other brand of foundation because it is the only brand that stays on the Queen's face throughout an entire concert. yeah. You heard it here first.
STEP THREE: Concealer
If you do not use concealer, you're doing it all wrong, doll. LimeLight's Waterproof Complete Concealer is highly pigments so that none of those dark circles under our eyes come through! It is so strong and good that it can even cover up tattoos! I only apply my concealer under my eyes because I have been blessed with pretty clear skin, but it also could be because I am obsessive over skin care... who knows. But either way, I apply it with their Concealer brush that helps create clear and fine lines where directed!
STEP FOUR: Eye Primer
I hate chunky primer for my eyeshadow, but I also want something that is actually going to keep the product to my face. My absolute FAVORITE everyday primer is Clinique's Canvas! Just a small amount applied using your finger goes such a long way! It creates a simple base to apply the eyeshadow to and you are able to still blend the colors together!
STEP FIVE: Eyeshadow
I have been used Urban Decay's NAKED 2 palette for a year and a half and I have created my favorite look using four colors on it! I start by applying Bootycall from the corner of my eye to about a forth of the eye going towards the middle. Next, I apply Tease. I start from the white Bootycall color and go a little further than halfway of my eye with it! Next, I apply Snakebite from the Tease color and go to the end of my eye and begin setting my crease where the indention above my eye sits. Last, I add a small amount of Busted at the very end of the eye towards the outside! In the end, blend all of those dark colors together and wall-ah! You have a beautiful, everyday look for yourself! If you have a special event, just darken up your crease and use more Busted than usual!
STEP SIX: Eyeliner
I use LimeLight's Perfect Eyeliner by creating a really thin line starting at the very corner of my eye by my nose, and then going all the way out to the outside. Sometimes (if I am feeling a little crazy), I will begin making a thicker line and I move outward and give a tiny wing at the end! This eyeliner stays on all day and looks great with all eyeshadow combinations! You can apply this on the bottom as well, but I prefer to use a lighter color to keep my eye looking wider, so I use Clinique's Dark Chocolate colored Eyeliner!
I used to use some cheap, drugstore mascara and for the past two weeks, I have been using LimeLight's Perfect Mascara and it truly makes the biggest difference! My eyelashes are so long, dark, and thick when I apply it! Plus, it stays in place all day, doesn't create dark circles of failed makeup under my eye, and removes very easily with makeup remover! I love, love, LOVE this product! And as if it couldn't get any better, it is SO much cheaper than other name brand mascaras and the bottle is HUGE!
STEP EIGHT: Eyebrows
I use ULTA's Brow Tint in brown! I think the brown shows up better than a blonde color and the darker eyebrows is in right now! I sculpt my eyebrows using my LimeLight Eyebrow Brush, and then I apply the brow tint until I get the color I want! Once it is dried, I use Anastasia Beverly Hill's Eyebrow Glue so that those babies do not move all day long! Ever since I started using it, my eyebrows don't move all day and look perfect still late at night!
STEP NINE: Bronzer
If you are not using Bronzer, girl jump on board and order this shiz right now! Your entire makeup look will entirely transform once you begin applying this! I use LimeLight's Perfect Bronzer and I apply it with the LimeLight Blush Brush! Just two taps is plenty enough and then simply start at the top of your ear, and move down, creating a line underneath of your cheekbone! Keep moving back and forth to apply more product until it looks dark enough to your liking! Do this on both cheeks and then do just a little bit on the very tip of your forehead! This will create subtle lines to contour and compliment your structure of your face! I love this brand's bronzer more than all of the others I have tried because it doesn't move for a powder bronzer and it is so subtle that it doesn't create harsh lines, but creates the perfect tan color to every single tint of skin!
Once again, I am using LimeLight's Perfect Blush with LimeLight's Blush Brush! This stuff is the best and I cannot brag about this brand's high quality results! I use Number 05 "Blushing" on the daily because I believe in pink cheeks! It looks much brighter than it applies, but it is the perfect shade of blush for Spring!
STEP ELEVEN: Setting Spray
Most important piece of it all is making sure it stays for dayzzzz! If you give your face a good spritz using LimeLight's 10 Years Younger Finish Spray, you can promise that your face is staying for 16 hours, but still washes off with makeup remover! Why do all of the work for it to just fall off? I have been so happy with the results from this product and I have found for it to work wonders!SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave